Foreign Assistance and Grants provided by international organizations play an important role in the economic and social development of developing countries. There is the need to ensure more accountability, transparency and value for money.
SSAC has financial experts and accountants with expertise in working with multi-lateral agencies and donor funded projects.
Combining our knowledge of the local environment, we have developed a network to improve quality of information obtained, analysis conducted and make reasonable recommendations to our clients.
We support donor beneficiaries on their strategic plans, business plans and feasibility studies. We also support them in the implementation of their mandate.
We carry out monitoring and evaluation of programs. Furthermore, we also audit programs and projects and external aid for development financed by foreign assistance from governments and multilateral institutions. We also provide Peer Review Consulting Services to ensure when audits are outsourced to local firms, there is a mechanism put in place to perform regular Peer Review so that donor agencies and multilateral institutions are assured that audits and investigations are done to standards.